About Us
Our mission is to provide our community with accurate information and educational resources regarding the life issues of abortion, infanticide and euthanasia, as well as promoting assistance to women and families facing unexpected pregnancies and those recovering from abortion. We do this through education, legislation and grassroots activism.
- Displays at public events that highlight the beauty of life in all ages and stages.
- Life Lessons available for Kindergarten through 12th grade for use in Sunday School, youth group sessions and Vacation Bible School.
- Presentations and resources available on all life issues for civic groups, churches, Sunday School classes and more.
- 2019 Media Campaign: Birthdays.
- 2022 Follow the Science billboard campaign
- 2023 My Choice Life billboard campaign
- 2024 Love Them Both billboard campaign
Recent Pro-Life Legislation Passed
- Local Taxpayer Protection (2023)
- Telemed Abortion Ban (2022)
- Abortion Influence Education Act (2022)
- Prenatal Life and Liberty Act (2021)
- Unborn Child Dignity Act (2021)
- Human Life Protection Act (2019)
- Redirecting Family Planning Funds (Title X) from Planned Parenthood (2018)
- Tennessee Infants Protection Act (2017). This legislation protects viable unborn children from abortion.
- Informed Consent for women and girls considering abortion (2015). This legislation requires abortion facilities to provide accurate information about the development of the baby, alternatives and resources available to assist the mother, and possible physical and psychological risks of the abortion.
- 48 Hour Waiting Period (2015). This legislation requires a 48 hour waiting period in order to reduce coerced abortions and to allow time to carefully consider the information and resources provided by informed consent provisions
- Prevent the Trafficking of Human Remains (2016). This legislation strengthens reporting requirements by abortion facility operators, increase inspections of these facilities and ensure that the remains of unborn children cannot be bought or sold following an abortion in Tennessee. The bill also requires informed consent by a woman prior to an abortion specific to the disposition / disposal of her unborn child's body.
Click here for list of Tennessee's abortion laws.
Click here for current legislation updates.
Grassroots action:
- Holds annual March for Life to commemorate the 1973 Supreme Court Decision (Roe v. Wade) legalizing abortion.
- Holds annual High School Art and Oratory Contests to help equip students to express their pro-life convictions.